Redis: The Basics
What is Redis ?
- Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker
- Remote Dictionary Server
For Mac OS X:
1. Install XCode Developer Tools
2. Download the stable release on Redis official site:
3. Run the ff. command:
For Ubuntu:
1. Run the ff. command:
Data Types
- collection of string elements, sorted according to the order of insertion. ex. 8, 9, 1, 2, 3
- implemented using a linked list, not using an array
- insertion of new elements to head or tail is at constant time regardless of the length of the list
- getting element by specific index is an extremely slow operation compared to list implemented using array
- can add elements to a very long list in a very fast way
- a list can be retrived at constant length in constant time
Common use cases for Lists
- Remember the latest updates posted by users into a social network.
Capped Lists
- List can be capped to only remember the latest N items and discard the old items
RPUSH - insert element in the tail of the list
LPUSH - insert element in the head of the list
LRANGE - gives a subset of the list
LLEN - returns the current length of the list
LPOP - removes element from the start of the list and returns it
RPOP - removes element from the start of the list and returns it
- similar to List except elements are not in order and must be unique
SADD - adds given value to a set
SREM - removes given value from a set
SMEMBERS - returns list of all the members in a set
SISMEMBER - tests if a given value is in the set
SUNION - combines two or more sets and returns the list of all elements.
SINTER - Returns the members of the set resulting from the intersection of all the given sets.
Sorted Sets:
- similar to Set but strings are defined by score, which allows the retrieval of elements in an ordered list
- score provides sorting and ranking capabilities
Common use cases for Sorted Sets
- leaderboard system
ZADD - adds all the specified members with the specified scores to the sorted set stored at key
ZRANGE - returns the specified range of elements in the sorted set stored at key.
ZCOUNT - returns the number of elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max
ZREVRANK - returns the rank of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from high to low
- are maps between string fields and string values, so they are the perfect data type to represent objects
HSET - Sets field in the hash stored at key to value.
HGET - Returns the value associated with field in the hash stored at key.
HMSET - Sets the specified fields to their respective values in the hash stored at key.
HMGET - Returns the values associated with the specified fields in the hash stored at key.
HGETALL - Returns all fields and values of the hash stored at key.
- Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker
- Remote Dictionary Server
For Mac OS X:
1. Install XCode Developer Tools
2. Download the stable release on Redis official site:
3. Run the ff. command:
tar xzf redis-3.2.0.tar.gz
cd redis-3.2.0
# install and run globally (/usr/local/bin)
make install
# install and run locally
cd src && ./redis-server
# install on another location
make install /opt/local/bin
For Ubuntu:
1. Run the ff. command:
sudo apt-get install redis-server
# run
Data Types
- collection of string elements, sorted according to the order of insertion. ex. 8, 9, 1, 2, 3
- implemented using a linked list, not using an array
- insertion of new elements to head or tail is at constant time regardless of the length of the list
- getting element by specific index is an extremely slow operation compared to list implemented using array
- can add elements to a very long list in a very fast way
- a list can be retrived at constant length in constant time
Common use cases for Lists
- Remember the latest updates posted by users into a social network.
Capped Lists
- List can be capped to only remember the latest N items and discard the old items
RPUSH - insert element in the tail of the list> RPUSH char "B" "C"
(integer) 2> LRANGE char 0 -1
1) "B"
2) "C"
LPUSH - insert element in the head of the list> LPUSH char "A"
(integer) 3> LRANGE char 0 -1
1) "A"
2) "B"
3) "C"
LRANGE - gives a subset of the list> LRANGE char 0 1
1) "A"
2) "B"
LLEN - returns the current length of the list> LLEN char
(integer) 3
LPOP - removes element from the start of the list and returns it> LPOP char
RPOP - removes element from the start of the list and returns it> RPOP char
- similar to List except elements are not in order and must be unique
SADD - adds given value to a set> SADD family "Jane" "John" "Paul" "Rachel"
(integer) 4> SADD friends "Anna" "John" "Dave"
(integer) 3
SREM - removes given value from a set> SREM family "Paul"
(integer) 1
SMEMBERS - returns list of all the members in a set> SMEMBERS family
1) "John"
2) "Rachel"
3) "Jane"
SISMEMBER - tests if a given value is in the set> SISMEMBER family "Paul"
(integer) 0
SUNION - combines two or more sets and returns the list of all elements.
# combine family and friends> SUNION family friends
1) "Anna"
2) "John"
3) "Rachel"
4) "Jane"
5) "Dave"
SINTER - Returns the members of the set resulting from the intersection of all the given sets.
# getting the common friend and family> SINTER family friends
1) "John"
Sorted Sets:
- similar to Set but strings are defined by score, which allows the retrieval of elements in an ordered list
- score provides sorting and ranking capabilities
Common use cases for Sorted Sets
- leaderboard system
ZADD - adds all the specified members with the specified scores to the sorted set stored at key> ZADD grades 75 John 72 Maine 77 Michael 80 Abby 83 Becky 87 Dave 81 Elsa 84 Ginny 89 Ivan
(integer) 9
You can also add score and members individually:> ZADD users 1989 Jasmin
(integer) 1> ZADD users 1970 Camille
(integer) 1> ZADD users 1993 Jessica
(integer) 1> ZADD users 1985 Tiffany
(integer) 1
ZRANGE - returns the specified range of elements in the sorted set stored at key.> ZRANGE users 0 -1
1) "Camille"
2) "Tiffany"
3) "Jasmin"
4) "Jessica"
ZCOUNT - returns the number of elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max
# counting students with grades between 80 and 90> ZCOUNT grades 80 90
(integer) 6
ZREVRANK - returns the rank of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from high to low
# getting the rank of Becky from highest to lowest grade> ZREVRANK grades Becky
(integer) 3
- are maps between string fields and string values, so they are the perfect data type to represent objects
HSET - Sets field in the hash stored at key to value.> HSET user:jane name Jane
(integer) 1
HGET - Returns the value associated with field in the hash stored at key.> HGET user:jane name
HMSET - Sets the specified fields to their respective values in the hash stored at key.> HMSET user:jane email "" hometown Laguna gender Female
HMGET - Returns the values associated with the specified fields in the hash stored at key.> HMGET user:jane name email
1) "Jane"
2) ""
HGETALL - Returns all fields and values of the hash stored at key.> HGETALL user:jane
1) "name"
2) "Jane"
3) "email"
4) ""
5) "hometown"
6) "Laguna"
7) "gender"
8) "Female"
hey you remember me? we met in Dublin. Tell me your email to get in touch with you. Regards Mariano.