Installing Propel in CodeIgniter
Download CodeIgniter
Download Propel ORM
Inside CodeIgniter application directory, create the following directories:
Note: Anywhere is fine, this is just for organization
Unzip Propel ORM, copy the generator directory and rename to propel in
Copy from build/data/propel to build/data without the ‘-sample’
Add the following data to with your own variables
Then at the last part of the same file add:
The last 2 lines is to enable the PropelArrayParser so that you could use the functions toArray, toJSON, toCSV etc.
Important, set targetPackage to '.' so that propel would not create ci directory inside the models directory like this models/ci/your_models
Also, we can override this in schema.xml by adding package=”PackageName” to the <database> or <table> tag
Next, create the files runtime-conf.xml and buildtime-conf.xml then add the code below with your own variables
Creating Schema from existing database
The generated schema is at build/data/schema.xml
Generating the database sql
The generated sql file is located in the build/data/output/sql directory
Generating database models
The database models can be found at application/models
Since in this demo, we are two directories inside data where is located, we can type: propel-gen ../../ [taskname]
Next, build the php version of runtime-conf.xml
The config file is at application/config
Go back to Propel ORM, copy the runtime/lib directory on application/libraries
Rename lib to propel
Change directory to application/libraries, then create Propel.php
Copy the code in Propel.php
remember to replace codeigniter-conf.php with your own runtime config file
Open application/config/autoload.php then set the following:
Now on your controller, you can create propel queries like this:
Integrating Propel Into CodeIgniter
Using Propel with Wampserver
Using Propel with CodeIgniter
Download CodeIgniter
Download Propel ORM
Inside CodeIgniter application directory, create the following directories:
build build/data
Note: Anywhere is fine, this is just for organization
Unzip Propel ORM, copy the generator directory and rename to propel in
Copy from build/data/propel to build/data without the ‘-sample’
Add the following data to with your own variables
propel.project = ci
propel.database = mysql
propel.database.url = mysql:host=localhost;dbname=demo
propel.database.user = root
propel.database.password = password
Then at the last part of the same file add:
propel.project.dir = ${propel.home}
propel.output.dir = ${propel.project.dir}/output
propel.conf.dir = ${propel.project.dir}
propel.sql.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/sql
propel.graph.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/graphs
propel.omtar.dir = ${propel.output.dir}
propel.php.dir = ../../../models
propel.phpconf.dir = ../../../config
propel.addGenericAccessors = true
propel.addGenericMutators = true
The last 2 lines is to enable the PropelArrayParser so that you could use the functions toArray, toJSON, toCSV etc.
Important, set targetPackage to '.' so that propel would not create ci directory inside the models directory like this models/ci/your_models
propel.targetPackage = .
Also, we can override this in schema.xml by adding package=”PackageName” to the <database> or <table> tag
Next, create the files runtime-conf.xml and buildtime-conf.xml then add the code below with your own variables
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Uncomment this if you have PEAR Log installed
<datasources default="ci">
<datasource id="ci">
<!-- sqlite, mysql, mssql, oracle, or pgsql -->
Change directory to application/build/data/propel/bin then run any of following according to your needs: Creating Schema from existing database
propel-gen path/to/ reverse
The generated schema is at build/data/schema.xml
Generating the database sql
propel-gen path/to/ sql
The generated sql file is located in the build/data/output/sql directory
Generating database models
propel-gen path/to/ om
The database models can be found at application/models
Since in this demo, we are two directories inside data where is located, we can type: propel-gen ../../ [taskname]
Next, build the php version of runtime-conf.xml
propel-gen path/to/ convert-conf
The config file is at application/config
classmap-codeigniter-conf.php codeigniter-conf.php
Go back to Propel ORM, copy the runtime/lib directory on application/libraries
Rename lib to propel
Change directory to application/libraries, then create Propel.php
Copy the code in Propel.php
class CI_Propel
public function CI_Propel()
// EDIT for Virtual hosts
require dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "propel" .DS . 'Propel.php';
Propel::init(APPPATH . DS ."config".DS."codeigniter-conf.php");
remember to replace codeigniter-conf.php with your own runtime config file
Open application/config/autoload.php then set the following:
$autoload['libraries'] = array('propel'); // on L55
$autoload['helper'] = array('url','file'); // on L67
Now on your controller, you can create propel queries like this:
$query = UsersQuery::create()->limit(50)->find();
Integrating Propel Into CodeIgniter
Using Propel with Wampserver
Using Propel with CodeIgniter
Tip: you may use just one file for run time and build time, just add these lines to your
ReplyDelete# just one configuration file
propel.runtime.conf.file = runtime-conf.xml
propel.buildtime.conf.file = runtime-conf.xml